I could have had two baby girls born on Valentine's Day. Miss B was due on Valentine's Day, and S was due just before. S was born two days before the 14th, as I wrote about a week ago, and B? Well, she came late.
B is my second baby. She was due for Valentine's day. My dad thought it would be nice to have a grandchild born on his birthday. I said no, I'm not waiting a week past my due date just for you. Ha!
I'd had a few Braxton Hick's contractions with my first pregnancy, but not very significant. About a week before B was due I started having Braxton Hick's contractions. Contractions would start, I'd have two or three, then nothing. Several times I'd start to time them, get ready to tell my husband, then nothing. My due date came and went, contractions continued to come and go, and no baby. At my weekly check-up my doctor said he would induce me the next Monday morning, and I was resigned to wait until then.
My mother and father in-law used to have a few horses right near our yard. The fence was not a good one, and every once in awhile the horses would step over the loose wires and walk down the driveway. They were not hard to get back in, but I couldn't fix the fence on my own. Thursday afternoon, February 21, 2002, the horses got out again. I called my mother-in-law to help me put them back and fix the fence. Contractions started again, but by this time, after 2 weeks of false starts, I was sure they would stop. This time they did not stop, so by the time my mother-in-law came, I needed her to drive me to the hospital instead of fixing the fence.
My husband worked in town at the time, so he met us at the hospital, and four hours later, after the most difficult labour and delivery of my four (back labour, and baby born facing up), at 7:39 pm, baby number 2, girl number 1, arrived. One day after her grandpa's birthday. Yeah.
The hospital in town was only about 6 months old at the time. There was a t.v. in the labour and delivery room, so we watched the Salt Lake Olympic coverage, and my baby girl was born during the women's hockey gold medal match (which Canada won! Yay!).
B is turning 10 today. The teenage years are coming soon, and the emotional drama is already starting. But I can't imagine life without her. She is sweet, thoughtful, helpful, responsible, wonderful. Happy birthday to my girl, I love you!
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